Friday 17 July 2009

Arrrggh my leg!

Here is a picture of me tripping at the junction to an alleyway on Shepherds Close. I am not sure if it was the fact that there was no drop down kerb at this location or the disgusting state of the publicly owned section of the road, that made me trip. All I can confirm is that I hurt my knee and ankle and will be talking to highways about this issue. What luck Isla Martin of the Greens had a camera ay!
Here you can see the line that Isla Martin (a long term resident of Shepherds Close and fervent Green activist ) believes is the actual boundary of the Private Road and the Alleyway. Most residents would agree with the notion and I too would be inclined to support their view. I do not know why the council is choosing to leave this area in it6s dilapidated state but will enquire. In the meanwhile, I can confirm that an elderly lady with a mobility vehicle lives just 20 yards from the location!
Once I get a response from Highways you will be informed accordingly!

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