Monday 11 May 2009

Crucible Park crises

Introducing your new Chadwell Ward Green Activist. Many of you will know Isla Martin of Shepherds Close who is a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for her area and also an executive member of the Chadwell Heath Action Group. The picture was taken whilst we were undertaking an audit of Crucible Park in preparation for the NHW meeting to be held at Chadwell Foundation School on Thursday 14th May 2009 at 18:30. (it transpires that Ilsa is a former pupil of the school and is looking forward to meeting the current long serving Headmaster Mr Wilkinson - who was around when she was a student. Unfortunately during our survey we noticed this vandalised tree and have reported the incident to the Tree Section.

We also noticed the litter in the park and the graffiti on the Seating area which is visible in the second photo. This information has been cascaded to the Streetscene team had we are hopeful that they will send a representative to our inaugural NHW meeting.

The Police (from Seven Kings and Chadwell) and ASBO Team have already confirmed their attendance.


  1. I was extremely saddened to see this site yesterday whilst walking my dog. This is the 3rd tree to have been hacked down by bored kids having a bit of 'fun'. Later in the day after this pic was taken (either during lunch time or after school) another large branch of another tree had also been pulled off. Its just a shame that camera's cannot be placed on the school building looking into the seating area of the park as this seating area just attracts groups of youths which act inopropriotly.

  2. I too am concerned with this behaviour...Why not come to our meeting on Thursday 14th May with the school and highlight your concern? the meeting starts at 18:30 at Chadwell Heath Foundation School.
