Monday 10 August 2009

Cannabis - the truth!

As evidence increases about the potential consequences of cannabis use and it pervading malaise within our young people. What is Redbridge Council doing to work towards a solution to resolve the issue...?

I include a link to a Daily mail story that talks how our governments prevarication has confused young people and authoratative bodies. Young people are now stating that they have noticed the negative effects of drugs on their peers and that many of them feel pressured to try the drug due its trendy status.

I hope eventually the council opts to follow my advice and empower the Parks Police with a temporary CCTV Camera, to tackle crime hotspots in our parks and that they might facilitate the signage I have been suggesting in my previous Cannabis Posts. This woudl be a great step on the way to a better quality of life for residents and a reclaiming of our parks.


  1. Hi Wilson. Been following your blog for some time - an impressive volume of local work you've been doing, but I wonder sometimes how you link it in more broadly with the Green Party's more strategic aims. Green Party policy on drugs, for example, is to decriminalise their use, with the aim of breaking the link between crime and drug use, getting better control over the quality of drugs consumed, taxing them and treating addiction as an illness rather than filling our prisons with addicts. Is that something you support?

  2. What is your view on tobacco and alcohol?

  3. Thanks, I see where you're coming from now. Keep up the good work!

  4. With respect to Alcohol and Cigarretes I am well in favour of the National No smoking ban in public places, as passive smoking is as much a killer as a regular smoking habit, and I know of many people that have used the opportunity to give up smoking - including my brother.

    I am also fully supportive of the increase in no -drinking zones and this coupled with the groundbreaking initiative being piloted in Bolton ( requiring a minimum of two police and 6 Door supervisors for bars promting cheap drinks less than 75p per unit) could have a profound effect in resolving the problems associated with excessive drinking. In the Scottish borders new legislation bans drinking in any parks and open spaces including streets. Perhaps such stricter measures may curb the liberal excesses that are making our streets a dangerous place.

    Alcohol in moderation can have certain health benefits, however, Cannabis even in small amounts is now proven to have long teram health implications.

  5. Proven? That is where you are wrong. There are some people that get paranoid after or during cannabis use. That does not mean everyone will go insane or lose their personality because of it. That argument, in MY opinion is the best reason it should be legal. It is not up to you, the government or anybody else to stop me from harvesting or using the earth most useful plant. Not only is eating cannabis good for you, it has antioxidants and anti tumor properties as well. You have been grossly misinformed, and you should do a few more hours of research before spouting off unfounded information to the naïve public that may have stumble onto your blog.


    G. Blerot
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
