Monday 14 September 2009

Neighbourhood Watch - Does it work...?

Reynolds Avenue, Mayesford Avenue and Hickman Road have been blighted with Burglaries and other crimes in recent months. With this in mind, Isla Martin and I have arranged an inaugural NHW meeting to galvanise the local community against the pervading crime that is intent on consuming our ward. The meeting is to be held at Somerville Hall, Somerville Road (off Chadwell Heath Lane) on the 15th October from 19:00. We are looking for a volunteer to become a Chairman and request that you get in touch with us as soon a possible.

In the meanwhile, to stimulate debate I would like to ask readers to advise us of their opinions on why a Neighbourhod Watch is of benefit to local people. If NHW has any shortcomings what are they? Moreover some real life reports on what NHW did for them would be of great value.

Looking forward to potential comments....?


  1. This is a fantastic idea! This will help us, as neighbours, to get to know one another. And by getting to know one another we are more likely to look out for each other. Lets all stand together and make our community a better place to live. I will be attending on the 15th October. I really do hope there is a good turn out on the 15th.

  2. I will be coming my thanks to Wilson Chowdhry and his team for their efforts!

  3. Most of neighbours have moved in in the last 20 years. Since then burglaries have rocketed; it has never happened to me except in the last 5 years : 4 times! None of my neighbours have been burgled even when their premises have been empty for weeks and their cars unattended. Also, none of them have called the police even though there must have been loud noises of the burgalries breaking windows, locks, doors, etc. One of this was in broad daylight when I know all the neighbours except one were all in.
    A simple conclusion from above is that the neighbours would most definitely not participate in neighbourhood watch and/or one or more of them are accomplices. From my experience, I am inclined to believe both are true.

  4. Last week in Clayhall a burgular was apprehended by Police as a result of a report from a neighbourhood Watch Group. I will ask Lisa Cherry borough Watch Manager for the Police. She would argue that NHW's have great impact in reducing crime. Sometimes residenst just need to give it a try...ask the residenst of Shepherds Close. Isla Martin has a very succesful group there!
