Saturday, 13 February 2010

Total crime stats for December 2009.

Crime Stats for Chadwell Ward for the month of December:

Crime type/Crime count/Crime rate

Total notifiable offences/ 62 /5.62
Residential burglary/11 / 1.00
Burglary other/ 1 /0.09
Theft of motor vehicle/ 2 /0.18
Theft from motor vehicle/2 /0.18
Robbery business /2 /0.18
Robbery personal /3 /0.27
Violence against the person /18/1.63
Most serious violence/0/0.00
Anti-social behaviour /60/ 5.44

Thses stats compare favourable with the total crime for October which were 87 and November was 78. At 62 Total notifibale crimes it would seem that we are starting to see a reduction in crime, however please stay vigilant.


  1. I live in Birch Court on the Sherman Gardens estate off Chadwell Heath lane and recently there has been an increased drug problem and related anti social behaviour. From what I have seen one of the main sources of this problem originates from 88 Sherman Gardens and the youths they attract to their property. I have witnessed on numerous occassions the youths from this property openly using drugs around the estate (often in the presence of younger children), selling drugs, openly causing damage to the estate and other residents property/cars etc etc. I have seen your newsletter and I know you have had dealings with problems on this estate in the past so I am asking you if you would look into this matter on behalf of myself and other concerned residents before this gets any further out of hand.

  2. A cannabis factory was raided on Birchdale Gardens and the felons were arrested. At this stage, I cannot give you anymore details due to potential court action. I will however, forward your concerns to the local sergeant for a response.

    Kind regards


    A drugs Factory was also found at the rear garage of 104 Tendring Way (2 months ago). The felons were not apprehended. This one was only found after a fire in the garages resulted in a visit by the Fire Brigade.

  3. Dear annonymous, if you are willing to make yourself known to me personally or the Police we can take further action. We will protect your annoymity. There are Acceptable Behaviour Contracts that have been signed by 3 residents at the property you have mentioned. Any breaches could result in more severe action up to potential eviction.
