Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Potential new Library for Seven Kings

Many of you may not be aware of "Take Action for Seven Kings" TASK a unfunded community group who are at the cusp of progressive change for the Seven Kings Area. We are well aware of the group, as our newest activist in the ward for Seven Kings is Chris Connelley a former Labour Councillor and a strategic member and founder of TASK.

Whilst the quality of life in Seven Kings has slowly been declining, community stalwarts such as Ali Hai, Doug Suckling and our own Chris of course! Have been striving to bring about more positive change. They have been campaigning against the proliferation of "chicken shops" and other takeaways that have decimated the local business community and increased street litter tenfold. They have also campaigned against the late licensing permissions in Seven Kings that have increased local antisocial behaviour. Chris and his cohorts have also been pivotal in campaigning against untoward development at Seven Kings Lorry Park and the loss of our local allotments during the "Conservative Land Sales Prerogative" of recent times.

It was with great delight that I recently received news, that one of TASK's major priorities - a library for Seven Kings, could become a tangible reality by as soon as this summer! Chris Connelley was delighted no end as he informed me of the progress. Already Councillors have revealed that they are seeking a temporary building which they hope will be open by April. Moreover, they have also advised that a new multi-million pound leisure centre is being planned for Seven Kings that will contain a more permanent library feature in future years and will of course address the glaring lack of swimming facilities in Redbridge. Read more in the Ilford Recorder (click here).

Don't hold your breath for too long waiting for the leisure facility, knowing our council, it could be years before such plans come to fruition!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't the Borough buy back the Seven Kings Library building and return it to it's former glory - there is a large hall for
    sports and an outside area l;argew enough to build a swimming pool.

    The idea is great - go for it!

    What a good idea.
