Monday, 1 February 2010

Kinked George Hospital - overspill parking solution

At the recent Area 5 Committee the London Borough of Redbridge Highway Team reported back on their solutions, to alleviate the increased parking burden, on roads surrounding King George Hospital. Most of the residents indicated great dissatisfaction against their proposals. In the meeting our Liberal Councillors backed a hard line approach to resident objections. The Ilford recorder reported (click here)

I asked a lead Highways Officer for a clearer report and queried the feasibility for a Public Meeting:

Dear Wilson

The correct vehicle for addressing this issue is through the Area Committee process and any decision for the introduction of parking measures is for the approval of the Members of Area 5 Committee.

At the request of residents and the Area 5 Committee we have already carried out an area wide consultation on the proposed options of introducing parking controls in this area to address issues of displaced parking from King George Hospital. As you already state the outcome of that consultation was reported to the last meeting of Area 5 where there was no overwhelming support for parking/permit controls. Members have now agreed the recommendations based on the results. The only areas that we will look at is the treatment of some junctions with at "any time restrictions" and introduction of single yellow line waiting restrictions in some locations on the grounds of safety or restricted access.

Whilst there was a good return to the consultation questionnaire with a 35% response rate there remained some 65% of residents in the area consulted that did not take the opportunity to make their views and support the introduction parking controls by completing and returning the survey. They also had plenty of opportunity to attend the Area 5 meeting and have their say about the options available.

I'm sorry but it is not appropriate for my officers to attend a public meeting to discuss options for the parking issues in the Barley Lane area, as this matter has now been agreed by the area committee.


Still unsure of their proposals and worried that local residents might be forced by Councillors and Highways staff, to accept detrimental parking conditions, I asked;

"Could you map out the essential changes to corners and "safety need" areas, so that I can take this to residents and then decide on the need for protest?"

The Lead Officer's response was as follows:

"This is currently on my programme of work and seeking section 106 funding. Will keep you advised as soon as we have the details."

I will of course keep residents updated and will assist with further political action against any bullying.


  1. One hopes the council will take responsibility if there is a serious accident with emergency vehicles being unable to reach their destinations which, most certainly, in the case of Heathfield Park Drive will be the case. Cars are barely able to pass through at certain points in this road with vehicles being parked on both sides of what is already a very meandering and dangerous road.

  2. I agree with the above comment totally, I live at the end of the road in which it isn't too bad but I dread having to drive in and out of the road every day. It's also dangerous as there are a lot of children who live and play down the Heathfield Park Drive estate and (whilst none in my household) it makes it more difficult to look out for them when there are a lot more cars on the road.
    I've noticed (and have recieved myself!) tickets being issued to vehicles which are parked on the kerb and yet these vehicles are actually less of a problem than those which are left in the road and they don't get a ticket.
    I think many people have ended up just accepting that this problem is unlikely to go away any time soon which could explain the lack of response to the questionnaires which were sent out recently.
    Perhaps another could be sent?
    Apart from emergency vehicles I note that there was recently a problem with the rubish collection lorry unable to fit through the cars and had to come back another morning, it also makes things difficult if you're expecting a delivery etc
    This needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later before (hopefully not!) something bad happens I've heard police have already been called out on a number of occasions which obviously isn't ideal for anyone!
