Saturday, 27 February 2010

Encouraging message promoting unity

We can all live together in peace - but only if we work together!
Today I was very impressed with a comment for someone who has taken the time to read my British Pakistani Christian Association blog and has provided a mesage of hope and peace. I have recently highlighted the heinious, immoral act that occured to a 12 year old domestic servant girl in Pakistan. However, the immoral act is an act not of religious persecution but one that highlights the sexual depravity of a pernicious lawyer and the inequality that pervades in Pakistan due to wealth and power divide. Read more below:

Anonymous said...

I have read a few different articles about the case of Shazia. However this is the most reliable one as an attempt has been made to be objective rather seeing this as a case of Muslim v Christian.

This article rightly points out the condition of rights of both women and children(Muslim & Christian)in a country that is still run by elites who act outside the law or as a law unto themselves and a country where a large section of the population are livig in absolute poverty and therefore have no access to proper legal representation or other basic human needs: housing, nutrition, health, education, work and fair working conditions etc.
According to both communities there is a case of death that needs to be investigated in accordance with the law. Muslim and Christians should avoid subjectiviness and work together for the good of the nation and in accordance with the principles of truth and justice held by both religious communities.
Those who claim to be Muslim or Christian but do not strive to uphold truth and justice will not be saved by the labels the give themselves.
Thanks for your more objective article and we pray that this and other similar cases will find justice.

A concerned Muslim - UK
If you would like to read the posted article it can be found by clicking (here)

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