Tuesday, 2 February 2010

At last a library for Seven Kings!

I received the following comment about Seven Kings Library from Chris Connelley just hours ago. It is very inspiring, please do read it for yourself:

The new library coming our way very soon is a seriously good piece of news, which really attests to the power of positive campaigning as a way of making a real difference.

Even just a couple of years ago the notion of a new library opening here would have provoked laughter, and when we first asked the then council member for culture summarily dismissed it out of hand.

We could have given up, but chose to take the argument to the people via some very old fashioned community doorstep campaigning, which gave rise to the huge 2000 name petition that helped change the politicians minds

A change of regime within the Conservative administration, and the arrival of Keith Prince as a refreshingly accessible and dynamic Council leader, saw a greater receptivity to the case for a new library, leading to the funding commitment that makes it all possible

For the last few months, TASK, working with other residents and ward councillors newly invigorated by this campaign, have been working behind the scenes with library managers on things like possible locations, fittings and opening hours, our aim being to generate a new library with a strong local personality and some typically distinctive practices.

Overall, discussions have been creative and good natured and should produce something that looks brilliant and really excites local people

A lot of time has been spent finding an outlet we can afford to adapt, and we seem now to have found the right place.

Its not yet possible to reveal its identity other than to say its pretty central and should really help upgrade and enliven the streetscape

We are hoping it will be open for busines in the Spring, and will be working hard to give it an outstanding launch; and to promote it widely so it gets maximum use.

Once it is up and trunning our attention can then move to the thorny issue of the empty lorry park, which we are proposing is cleaned up and turned over to the community until its long term future is agreed, allowing for a wide range of community and commerical activity with all money made recycled into the local economy.

Keep watching this space and remember that if an idea is really important, it really is worth campaigning for.

People power can work , as it did here in Seven Kings on the new library.

Go for it!

1 comment:

  1. "....the then council member for culture....".

    He was not even capable of germ culture!
