Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Gang Violence in Somerville Road Subway and Racist attack!


Last night at approximately 20:15 I spotted over 9 youths targeting a shopkeeper and his wife for some abuse, outside the Londis shop on Somerville Road. I drove to the front of the shop and asked the youths to leave on threat of calling the ASBO team and the Police.

One of the boys who was brandishing a stick threatened me and the shopkeeper, the youths came closer in an intimidating fashion. As nervous as I was I warned them that I would call the Police if they continued.

They surrounded my car and threatened to scratch/damage it, I informed them that I would physically prevent them from doing this. As slight as I am, the situation required some bravado and it seemed to work. They drew closer again and became more vitriolic with their words and I decided to call the authorities.

Being unsure about Police response to a 999 call, I called the Redbridge ASBO team. The Control Centre receptionist was very professional and took details of the incident. Whilst on the call the receptionist could hear the boys jeering at the shopkeeper and I - she also heard them issuing threats. Kindly she offered to call the Police and completed this task after my call.

The youths used racist terms to abuse the shopkeeper and I. They also used a number of expletives and imitated the shopkeepers accent in a derogatory manner. The shopkeeper was a lot less defiant then I and needed assistance.

The boys heard in the conversation I was having with the ASBO control room, that the Police were being called. Their reaction was to run towards the Somerville road subway. I followed them for a bit to ensure they would not come back trying to take a picture I could use as evidence for their apprehension by the Police. As I ran behind them one of them threw the stick I was initially threatened with, at me. It missed me and hit a car no doubt causing damage.

I spent 10 minutes with the shopkeeper and his wife, making sure they were ok and then proceeded to follow the youths (by car) to ensure they did not undertake any more mischief and to obtain a photograph as evidence. I was not surprised when I found them loitering around the bus stop near the Somerville Road subway. They were causing a nuisance there too, to the annoyance of local people.

In my efforts to take a picture to use as evidence ( see attached image) I was threatened and had missiles of various nature thrown at me. The youths tried to entice me to the subway for a threatened beating. They also had grown in number and presumably their associates had already been waiting in the subway. I took a picture and as I was doing so, they all uniformly covered their faces with their hoods. I realised that the picture venture would be a futile one so decided to return to my car, whilst keeping the youths in my peripheral vision. They followed me to my car at what I felt was a safe distance so I did not run, any sign of panic would have fuelled them into an attack frenzy I am sure. during the youths were throwing stones and other items to my rear and taunting me with threats of violence using a "wonderful array" of expletives.

These youths are purported to be form the Marks Gate estate. I cannot confirm this as this is the view of a passing resident and the Shopkeeper. However, I have advised Barking and Dagenham ASBO Team, Redbridge ASBO Team, Chadwell Safer Neighbourhood Team (Redbridge and Chadwell Heath Safer Neighbourhood Team (B&D) of the incident. I have intimated to them that a range of overt and covert patrols along local roads and subways during the half term break, might prevnet any serious incidents. The shopkeeper informs me that this type of behaviour always increases during the school holidays. After last night I am ready to believe him!

I have also advised the Headmaster of Oaks Park School of the incident hoping he will warn children that activity at the location will be monitored.

In addition I have asked for TFL to provide an update on the proposed safe ground level crossing to be installed at Whalebone Lane. It is obvious to me that we will have a return of the subway violence we have seen in recent years and I would like an alternative facility to be provided to local residents - sooner rather than later!


  1. I am glad that you and the shop keeper are ok. Good for you standing your ground more people should stand up to these cowards.

  2. Iam also glad that you and the shopkeeper are ok but why single out Oaks Park High School youngsters also go to the Warren and Chadwell Heath Foundation School from this area.

  3. I simply did not have the emails of the other Head Teachers. I will send them emails once I have obtained them.

  4. Why even assume that these youths are local?

  5. The shopkeeper has seen them before. They knew the area very well and ran to the shelter of the subway- for quick getaway from the Police if chased. Whilst threatening us they threw in names of a number of local roads were they purported they were living. It was quite late and It would be hoped that their parents would not have let them travel from to far. A passing resident had intimated that they were from the Marks Gate Estate - I cannot confirm the veracity of such comment. They had a local accent and there has been a previous history of local youths terrorising people from the subways. It's not much to go by and they could have travelled in from South London or elsewhere on the free tube service, for young people, provided by the former Mayor of London.

  6. Hi Wilson,

    Just read your blog about the yobbish youths.

    I think you have more guts than me. You know this sort of thuggery is difficult to understand. When I was in my early 20s my friend's sister's boyfriend was involved in the murder of a shop keeper in quite a similar incident. I had a drink with him once (actually my friend's stag party). Outside of this gang culture, he was actually quite a nice sensible bloke. But put him in with other gang members and he would become an idiot. Chances are that many of these youths that you encountered are much like this chap. I understand that these kids may be under Dagenham Borough, but the fact remains that with Redbridge's housing policy (at least what I think is probably Redbridge's housing policy) in Chadwell Heath, this sort of gang violence will build up. I think that both the police and Redbridge really need to start to get some sort of programme(s) in place before this violence increases. You hit the point with the youth bus - these kids need something to do. To my knowledge there are absolutely no organised sporting facilities anywhere near Chadwell Heath. Given the choice of somehow finding their way to a sporting club miles away from their homes, or just simply hanging around outside of their flats with some other youths, it's not surprising that these kids choose the gang route. Much work needs to be done by the authorities. I'm not sure how much weight Lisa Cherry can throw into kicking Redbridge into some sort of action.

  7. Just saw this, Its a disgrace, you need to bring this to the attention of the councillors in the area, please contact Nadine Simith from the labour party, Jon cruddas as he is the MP for B&D and also Rebecca Wisby who I believe is the Neighbourhood Management Manager for the area. As I know you are active please do this. It will be better coming from you as you witness this. There are many good people that live in Marks Gate but the kids of the area spoil it for everybody else.

  8. You lot are the lefty sort that has led to kids acting this way in the first place!!! Do u really think telling politicians and teachers will scare these kids??? Do u honestly think they are actually scared of the police like we all were when we were there ages???
    Unfortunatly things have been left to late. Opening a sports club will not make any different whatsoever. If you want these kids away from your area you have to fight fire with fire. Beat the living daylights out of them, make them truly believe if they set foot within a mile of you they will breathe there last breath.
    Then and only then will peace reign.

  9. I read this posting and although dated last year I wanted to add my comment.

    Yes, do contact the Headteachers of the schools you mentioned and let them know the riotous behaviour that local residents are subjected.

    They will slide any responsibility, saying its not proven to be their pupils directly involved in any situation unless there is direct police involvement( names, addresses taken etc;).

    My friend worked at the Warren and said the behaviour and attitude to teachers and the level of verbal abuse was the worst he had ever experienced in a long teaching career.

    I am afraid I may be one of those lefties, that your previous contributor blamed for the anti-soical behaviour of the mentioned yobs.I would see that the more middle of the road, sit on the fence, mind your own business brigade have cultivated these mindless, sick and wilful thugs(girls included).

    If you want to see it all played out, just hop on the 62 bus approx 8.00am its like a War Zone.
