Wednesday 14 April 2010

World Minorities Alliance

Errr which mic do I use....?
Interviewed for Duniya TV
Wilson and MP Mohammed Nadeem Sarwar - Britain's First Muslim MP

Wilson with Mr Sandu a prominent Sikh Businessman

Filmed on Pukaar TV

People of all faiths united in one voice.
The first ever World Minorities Alliance meeting was held at Kensington Town Hall on April 11th.
The meeting had a large number of high profile guests including; Rt Hon Mohammed Nadeem Sarwar the first ever Muslim MP in the UK, Rt Hon Shahid Malik Minister for Communities, and Rt Hon Sadik Khan Minister for Transporty and Privy Counsellor, Wajid Shamsul Hasan High Commissioner for Pakistan and various other patrons.
The event was organised by Julius Salik a former Federal Minister for Culture and Community in Pakistan and a one time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. The first Christian Federal Minister in Pakistan.
The aims of the World Minorities Alliance is to create a World body that can can challenge for peace, an end to persecution, equality and full Human Rights for minority groups across the globe. Julius Salik hopes that one day the group will have the authority to speak our against crimes of this nature at the UN Council, European Council and other existing world bodies.
In his capacity as Vice Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, Wilson Chowdhry was invited to speak at the event and to join the initial committee.
After the meeting Wilson said:
"It was a great honour to be able to attend this meeting and represent Pakistani Christians who are always the smallest minority, wherever they habitat. Seeing Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, other faiths and those with no faith united in promoting such laudable ideals, highlights the great efforts of Julius Salik. Such a meeting where all participants spoke on a level platform would not happen in Pakistan or many other countries with poor Human Right history. This is why I am so proud of being British, quite simply I believe we are the most tolerant country in the world and this record is one to be proud of. Being amongst so many record breakers has inspired me, I hope I can one day become the first ever Pakistani Christian MP in the UK and take my place amongst them."

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