Tuesday 6 April 2010

Give peace a chance!

Even young people spoke of the unnecessary loss of life!
Christians, Muslims, and other faiths represented in a campaign to end the illegal and immoral war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Brian Haw a world renowned campaigner against the Iraq and Afghanistan War was joined by other peace activists in Easter Meal.
Why did our MP's agree to this costly and immoral war...?

A feast was shared by all and open to all.

Three mics....which do I use?

On April the 4th (my Birthday!) I was invited to talk at a peace meal held on the green outside the Houses of Parliament. Julius Salik - once a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and former Federal Minister of Pakistan, arranged the feast in honour of long term peace campaigner Brian Haw (formerly a resident of Woodford!)
All those attending spoke out against the immoral, illegal and costly war in Afghanistan and Iraq that has cost our country billions in financial terms and the unnecessary loss of lives.
Every soldier killed in this unjust war should be deemed a hero they have not broken any moral conventions and have stayed true to their pledge to represent our country and protect its people. If there is any dishonour to be attributed to the war, it should be heaped on the MP's who sanctioned the war, despite evidence, suggesting there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Moreover, the fact remains that our soldiers are being subjected to continued dangers in a war that will see no end and is creating an unwanted fiscal burden on the UK.
The majority of people in the UK would like to see an end to this war and at the Peace Meal we saw representatives from a number of faiths. It is about time our MP's listened to the people they represent and bring an end to these wars.
Julius Salik is a Pakistani Christian and was formerly a Federal Minister for Community in Pakistan. He is still an elected MP. He is in the UK promoting a new world organisation called the World Minorities Council. Read more (here)
Brian Haw is a Peace Campaigner who has been campaigning outside 10 Downing Street for an end to the war in Iraq since 2001. Read more (here). He believes life is more sacred than some of our existing Tory, Labour and Liberal MP's would care to understand.
The Green Party is the only main stream party to have opposed the War in Iraq and Afghanistan and supports an immediate withdrawal.
The Green Party is the only main stream party to have opposed the War in Iraq and Afghanistan and supports an immediate withdrawal.


  1. Did you really mean to say Christians, Muslims, and other faiths represented in a campaign to end the illegal and immoral war in Pakistan. ...?

    ... or am I missing something ...?

  2. Thank you for the correction, I have amended the story.

  3. First time I've ever felt sorry for Brian Haw.
