Saturday 30 January 2010

Loud party disturbs neighbourhood!

"Youths were trying to open car doors!"

We have been inundated with calls and meetings requests, from residents of Somerville Road and Havering Gardens, after a raucous party from a property along Somerville road (near the junction of the two roads) caused increased antisocial behaviour, criminal damage and attempted thefts.

The party was to begin at 21:00 and the party organiser invited local people in the hope of alleviating any untoward feeling. However, crowds of people waited outside on the streets until the 16th birthday started at 21:00.

During and after the party youths were seen sitting on cars, trying to open car door handles and made much noise and furore. Moreover, damage to a vintage jaguar has left a local resident out of pocket for up to £750.00.
The address of the party organisers is well known as only recently an acceptable behaviour contract was signed by the residents after Wilson Chowdhry, the former Sgt for Chadwell SNT Colin Smith, Antisocial Behaviour Team Officer Phil Walby and a member of Abundant Housing Association, all challenged the residents on the community ire caused by very frequent parties and late night visitors.
Wilson spoke to Sgt Lowrie the new Sergeant of Chadwell Safer Neighbourhood Team. He has stated:
"Thank you for your e-mail, several of the complainants and local residents /shopkeepers have been spoken too and words of advice given to occupiers of 119."

Residents have complained that people queuing outside should have been allowed entry to the venue sooner. Moreover, calls regarding antisocial behaviour, attempted theft and damage to a vehicle did not result in a response unit. This is not a Chadwell SNT responsibility and they have been very proactive. I will ask the borough commander for a response regarding the failed attendance.

The Redbridge ASBO team have responded to concerns that the family have taken advantage of the lapsed Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC), initiated by Wilson's work:

"Wilson, firstly there were no calls to our Out of Hours Service about noise nuisance or any other ASB activities and residents are all aware of contact procedures.

I and a colleague visited Carol at 119 on the Friday prior to party and warned her about her party goers behaviour and actions she must take to ensure everything ran smoothly,she assured me that she had everything in hand and what reciprocal action she would take if matters got our of control.

I was satisfied that she had put in place enough measures to cope,but still made her aware of consequences if this did not pan out as described.

The two items which relate to criminal activity should be reported to Police.

Yes,I am aware that the ABC has expired, but I did monitor throughout that 12 months and there were NO incidents, she managed her difficult household extremely well. I am not interested in spurious allegations. I give credit where due, but will take action if specific evidence is provided.

Can you cascade this to residents,thanks in advance.

In our communication with most residents, it would seem that untoward activity from the property dissipated after the completion of the ABC. It may well be that this party is a one-off blip, however, we are not entirely convinced as a local resident has confirmed that much activity has still continued. Fortunately, we have convinced Alan Brill your local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator to hold a meeting in Somerville Hall from 19:00 on Thursday 11th February.

We will invite the ASBO team, the Police and Abundant Housing to attend and hope to reach a satisfactory solution - that serves all parties.

In future if you experience antisocial behaviour on your streets, please call the ASBO team directly (do let your hard working Green Team know also!):
Day time: 020 8706 5716

Out of hours: 020 8478 4679

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