Sunday 17 January 2010

Litter and graffiti growing concerns on residential estates

litter strewn area of the Richmond Estate (former Chadwell Heath Hospital site)

Millhaven Close near number 24

Richmond Estate

More of Richmond Estate

This is not Godly!


It just goes on...

I think we need more recycling bins....!

More of the same!



That's right it does look rather grizzly!

Broken slabs still there despite my last report to the management agents.

One of two broken car parking lights.

Bulky waste - a constant thorn
Despite regular communications with Management agents in the borough little ever seems to change. We have brought these items to the attention of the Streetscene Team and will advise you of their response.

1 comment:

  1. That's what you have to be cautious of. Make sure that your prospect estate lies in a peaceful and decent community.
