Wednesday 19 May 2010

Solar Panels

Wilson and his Solar Panels
For those of you who don't know Wilson operates a very successful security business called A.A. Security Ltd in Redbridge. He has always held a strong approach to ethical business, no more evident than in his purchase of Photo-voltaics (solar panels) at his business premises in Redbridge. Wilson has calculated the amount of electricity they produce which is to-date in excess of 75% of his annual general consumption. The installation was funded by one of the last "Energy Saving Trust" (a government quango), grants for such installations. This scheme has been terminated and Wilson is unique within the security sector for such an installation and stands alone as a Redbridge Business - a beacon for other local businesses to follow we hope. Wilson has said the following about the Installation:

"Not only do they provide over 75% of our annual electricity consumption but they also provide a buffer against any National Grid failure. We have linked them up to a 9 Hour Unlimited Power Supply battery that stores electricity - this means that as part of a contingency plan we can continue 24 hour operations even during the longest delays in a restoration of power. Moreover, our energy costs as you can imagine have drastically reduced meaning that within 4 years we will have a full return on our investment and will be able to comprehensively enjoy the perks of better cash flow - a result of moderate energy self sufficiency at a time when utility companies are hiking up their supply rates daily!"

Wilson is now campaigning for an increase in funded opportunities for cleaner alternative energy -believing that such small schemes on homes and businesses would significantly reduce our reliance on energy providers who use combustion to produce energy. Moreover, private scheme like this would enhance a sustainable economy in which decreasing demand for utility services would act as a vehicle for cheaper UK fuel costs.

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