Saturday 12 October 2024

RAAC Homeowners Devastated by Aberdeen Principal Valuer’s Decision to Reject Council Tax Appeal

Hannah and Wilson Chowdhry deliver a deputation to Aberdeen City Council




Aberdeen, 11 October 2024 – Homeowners impacted by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) have expressed deep distress after Bruce Simpson, Principal Valuer for Aberdeen, dismissed their appeal to reduce Council Tax. Despite the dangerous state of RAAC-affected homes, the decision maintains that the homes are still taxable as though they are in a "reasonable state of repair," despite plans for demolition announced by Aberdeen City Council in August 2024.

Hannah Chowdhry, a RAAC homeowner, expressed her frustration:

"This ruling is incomprehensible. We’re living in homes that are unsafe, with no chance of selling them, yet we are being taxed as if they're in perfect condition. RAAC is not a cosmetic issue—it’s a crisis, and yet the financial pressure continues to mount. This decision ignores the harsh reality that we're facing."

In the August Council meeting, Aberdeen City Council declared that the cost to repair RAAC homes exceeds the value of the properties, and thus, they will be demolished. Despite this, the Principal Valuer has ruled that the structural damage caused by RAAC is considered "repairable," using outdated legal precedents to justify the refusal to reassess Council Tax.

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the UK RAAC Campaign Group, voiced his outrage:

"This was a golden opportunity to set a precedent that would alleviate the financial burden on families dealing with a national crisis. Instead, this decision perpetuates the injustice. The council admits these homes are going to be demolished, yet they expect homeowners to continue paying Council Tax as if these homes are livable. It’s absolutely absurd."

He continued:

"This is not just about RAAC—this is about fairness. Families are being crushed under the weight of mortgage payments, Council Tax, and now rent elsewhere because they cannot live in these homes. And yet, the Principal Valuer dismisses the RAAC issue as though it can be fixed with a few repairs. These homes are collapsing, and this decision only deepens the financial and emotional stress."

The RAAC crisis has left homeowners in a state of limbo, with properties that are structurally unsound and rapidly losing value. Many families are struggling to manage the dual burden of paying Council Tax and rent, while receiving no clarity on compensation or timelines for demolition.

Hannah Chowdhry pointed out the inconsistencies:

"Our home is unsellable, and we’ve had to reach out to multiple agents just to get a valuation, but no one will touch it because of the RAAC. Yet we’re still being taxed as if it’s a viable, functional property. This decision is completely out of touch with reality."

At the August Full Council meeting, Aberdeen City Council’s Corporate Landlord, Mr. Booth, acknowledged that any valuations would be below pre-RAAC values, and market comparisons were impossible due to the lack of similar properties on the market. Despite these concessions, the Principal Valuer's ruling has refused to consider the real impact RAAC is having on affected homes.

Wilson Chowdhry stressed the need for immediate action:

"This isn’t just about a few homes—this is a national issue affecting thousands of families. Continuing to charge Council Tax on homes that the council admits will be demolished is an insult to homeowners who are already financially drained. This decision needs to be reconsidered, and the council should be working with RAAC homeowners, not against them."

The UK RAAC Campaign Group is taking further legal action and urging homeowners across the country to stand together to challenge unfair tax assessments. An appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland has been submitted, with hopes to overturn this ruling and set a fairer precedent for homeowners facing similar issues.

About the UK RAAC Campaign Group
The UK RAAC Campaign Group, led by Chairman Wilson Chowdhry, advocates for homeowners affected by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). The group fights for fair treatment, financial relief, and long-term solutions for families whose homes have been rendered unsafe by RAAC structural issues.

You can read the seven key points that form the basis of our appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (click here)

You can read the response from Brian Simms the Principal Valuer for Aberdeen (here)

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