Friday 19 July 2024

Protests for a fair deal for RAAC-affected communities across the UK.



The UK RAAC Campaign Group has organized two protests to support communities affected by RAAC. These protests come amid growing fears that Scottish local councils will offer inadequate compensation to council tenants, private tenants, and homeowners facing significant losses due to the evacuation of unsafe homes with crumbling concrete. 

The event is being supported by the ALBA Party for Scotland.

Alex Wilkin, Secretary for the Alba Party in Clackmannanshire, said: "The position that many residents have been abandoned in is untenable. I urge the Scottish government to set aside a budget and to implement it for the members of our community, so we can help them back onto their feet, and have them living a normal life once more"

Scottish Parliament Protest led by UK RAAC CAmpaign Group:

Date: Saturday 27th July 2024
Location: Scottish Parliament Building, Holyrood, Edinburgh, EH99
Event: Protest for new laws to protect homeowners, a national fund for Scottish communities affected by RAAC, and a public inquiry into how councils have dealt with RAAC. The event is being supported by the ALBA Party for Scotland.

Aberdeen City Council Protest led by UK RAAC CAmpaign Group:

Time: 11:00 am - 12.00 pm
Date: Friday 26th July  2024
Location: Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1AB
Event: Gather in the public square for a rallying point at 11:00 am. At this time, Hannah and Wilson Chowdhry will hold a crucial meeting with Stepehen Booth Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, in Marischal College. Protesters are encouraged to join us in making our voices heard before proceedings. Let's stand together and make our voices heard in solidarity.

Scottish Parliament Protest

This protest has been organized to support a petition that has been accepted by the Scottish Government for their official online petitions platform. Details will be available here next week. A draft of the petition can be viewed below:

1. Name of petitioner

Wilson and Hannah Chowdhry

2. Petition title (This should explain what the petition is about in a few words)

Provide support to RAAC-affected communities

3. Petition summary (This section starts with the words “Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to…”. You should finish this sentence by writing clearly the action you want to be taken.)


Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to provide support to communities affected by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) by:

·       setting up a national fund to assist struggling homeowners and tenants affected by RAAC

·       initiating a public inquiry to investigate the practices of councils and housing associations concerning RAAC, including investigation of how business related to RAAC was conducted, the handling of safety reports and property sales, disclosure of RAAC, and responses to homeowner concerns

·       introducing or updating legislation, similar to the General Product Safety Regulations, to ensure developers, councils, and housing associations are held accountable for using substandard property materials, mandate risk disclosure, and make surveyors and solicitors liable for untraced defects. Legislation should also include provision for a comprehensive register of high-risk buildings in Scotland.

4. What action have you taken previously to resolve this issue? This can be a range of activities but should include contacting a decision maker such as one of your MSP(s) or the Scottish Government. Please let us know what outcome of this activity was.

We've written to MSPs and have a petition with 1200+ signatures. Liam Kerr MSP responded to our concerns and queried potential RAAC assessment during homebuyer report surveys in Parliament on March 14, 2024. The Housing Minister denied it, citing the need for an intrusive survey.

I have also written directly to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice on this issue.

5. Petition background information (This section should be no longer than 150 words).

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published information on the presence of RAAC in social housing. 1,994 properties across Scotland are affected with thirteen social landlords reporting RAAC in homes they provide to tenants.


Councils and Housing Associations (HA) across Scotland are denying assistance to homeowners and private tenants. Council tenants now face displacement without any form of compensation for renovating their homes. Residents are being torn from the communities they cherish and depend on. They are being left in financial crisis, and in some cases face roof collapse.


We are seeking identification by RICS qualified surveyors where there may be possible RAAC threat, a requirement for solicitors to check for council disclosures of RAAC, and increased liability for surveyor and solicitor failures to identify defects.

A measure similar to the General Product Safety Regulations, which mandates manufacturers to address safety defects for the lifetime of a vehicle, should be introduced to ensure developers are accountable for rectifying safety issues even after purchase.

Once published, all petitions can now collect signatures while under consideration by committees of the Scottish Parliament.

We will also submit our previous petition (click here) and a hard copy of an open letter (click here) that has already been sent electronically to UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer MP, Scottish First Minister John Swinney MSP, UK Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government Angela Rayner MP, and Scottish Minister for Housing Paul McLennan MSP. A copy of these documents will also be submitted to St. Andrew's House, the home of the Scottish Government, on the same day.

On Wednesday, July 24th, Wilson ChowdhryChairman of the UK RAAC Campaign Group, along with Angelica Malone and Teagen Malone from Basildon's Knights Estate, will personally deliver a hard copy of the letter and the previous petition to 10 Downing Street.    

Teagan Malone, said:

"I believe it’s crucial for the government to implement new laws that protect tenants and homeowners. The RAAC housing crisis has highlighted the severe lack of care and consideration for the safety and upkeep of properties. Housing should be about security, not financial gain. Local councils must be held accountable for allowing people to rent and buy outdated homes, as this clearly prioritizes financial profit over the welfare of residents."

Aberdeen Protest:

The protest in Aberdeen City will precede a meeting between Wilson and Hannah Chowdhry of the UK RAAC Campaign Group and Stephen Booth, Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord for Aberdeen City Council. At this meeting, the UK RAAC Campaign Group aims to ascertain which of the two remaining options for the future of the affected homes in Torry is more favorable. Additionally, they will seek to understand the negotiation powers available to residents during voluntary purchase orders and the measures that will be taken against those who refuse, should demolition be selected over remedial works.

The group will also inquire about compulsory purchase orders, their potential impact, and the appeal process at each stage. Should remedial works be chosen, they will seek detailed information on the financial support available to homeowners, including grants, shared equity schemes, home-for-a-home deals, loans, or a combination thereof. The group is particularly concerned about the care provisions for elderly victims of the RAAC scandal, who may find it challenging to start anew.

Furthermore, they seek clarity on the funding sources for voluntary purchase offers and will advocate for fair deals that reflect pre-evacuation valuations, rather than current valuations where homes now hold zero equity.

The meeting was convened in response to an open letter from Mr. Chowdhry addressed to Stephen Booth and all Aberdeen City Councillors (click here).

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the UK RAAC Campaign Group, said:

"The plight of families displaced and communities disrupted by the RAAC crisis cannot be ignored any longer. Our protests are a call to action for justice and support for those who have been left vulnerable. We demand that the UK and Scottish Government set up a national fund to aid affected homeowners and tenants, launch a thorough public inquiry into council practices, and introduce legislation to hold all parties accountable for the use of substandard materials. Our collective voice will ensure that no one is left behind in this critical fight for safety and fairness."

Mr Chowdhry, added:

"Our upcoming meeting with Stephen Booth and Aberdeen City Councillors is a direct response to the open letter I sent, urging immediate action on the RAAC crisis. We are here to ensure that our concerns are addressed and that the voices of affected residents are heard. We must secure fair compensation, effective solutions, and transparent practices. This meeting is a vital step toward achieving justice for those displaced and struggling due to unsafe homes. We will not rest until there is accountability and support for every individual affected by this crisis."

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