Tuesday 9 March 2010

Redbridge Education must continue to be well funded!

Sorry about the grim picture, I took it myself with great dificulty - the constipated look is actually concentration!

As a new foundation Governor for SS Peter's and Paul's School, Gordon Road, Ilford. I found myself attending a training course put on for new Governors at the Teachers Centre in Ilford this weekend.

Presenters on the day included members of the Council's Finance department, who informed us of how School budgets were raised, spent and evaluated. Whilst also learning a Governors responsibilities with regard to school finances.

The Head Teacher from Seven Kings High School - Ms Tracey Smith, advised us of the important role of Governors and the need to work with School staff as a "critical partner". With her came the Chair of Governors for the School, who informed us of all the responsibilities a governor hold - including the hiring of Head Teachers!

We were taught what type of Curriculum's are taught in Schools and definitions for the various "key stages" (age and learning level classifications).

Finally we we given a presentation from a leading Children Services officer on "Good Governance".

It was a rewarding day and highlighted the special responsibility for safeguarding the learning of younger people that a role as a School Governor entails. However, the training also illustrated how rewarding such a role could be as it provides an opportunity to mould and shape young lives into in a non-direct but essential manner.

As the father of two children and with another child on the way I realised, how exceptionally lucky the people of Redbridge are. Our schools are amongst the top performers in the UK 6th place in overall performance when compared against boroughs holistically.

Such impetus and excellence is something we need to fight to protect and nurture. With this in mind, I have created a petition asking our Council to continue funding the necessary development of Educational Services and provision, despite the current recession. It is essential that we secure a good future for Redbridge posterity by investing in people at a young age, that they, might be equipped, to avoid the ever present pitfalls of a recession or other adversity.

Moreover, there is a distinct need to increase local school provision, to counter the existing shortage of places.

My Petition can be signed by clicking (here)

I have sent this petition to several School Governors as they too expressed similar concern at the meeting.

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