Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Peace Alliance

Wilson with Bob Pull and Simon Morrison
Learning can be fun!

Yesterday morning, I attended a conference on "Keeping our Children safe " at Freedoms Ark main hall, Tottenham. The event was arranged by the Peace Alliance and was a great success.

The conference aims were to explore government legislation on the vetting and barring scheme, safeguarding vulnerable groups and how families, faith organisations and the third sector can provide a safe environment for children. Child exploitation and the use of witchcraft was also a strong theme.

Guest speakers included Bob Pull (Churches Child Protection Agency) , Simon Morrison (Home Office VSPU) and Andy Desmond (Human exploitation and organised crime command)

Topics such as funding towards capacity building, Need for and costs associated with Enhanced CRB Checks, Work with Interpol and Europol, deportation and work towards gaining asylum for the most vulnerable groups stimulated much debate. I have asked for a copy of the minutes and will be publishing them on my blog once received.

The main thing that came out of the meeting was for the need for all people to work with the Police and statutory agencies, as any successful prosecution is evidence led. Moreover by working with Children in protected environments taking all necessary precautions we are able to reduce potential threat. Organistaions wishing to work with children must show due diligence by undertaking the necessary Enhanced CRB checks and ensure they have a strong Child Protection Policy.

I have spoken with the guest speakers and hope to arrange a Redbridge Conference soon for the benefit of local Community groups and Charities.

Featuring guest speakers Bob Pull (Churches Child Protection Agency) , Simon Morrison (Home Office VSPU) and Andy Desmond (Human exploitation and organised crime command)

Roxy Avenue, Flora Gardens, Fauna Close and Conway Crescent NHW

Last night a most excellent Neighbourhood Watch Meeting took place at St Bedes Church., This was the first of hopefully many meetings serving an area that had suffered a number of burglaries and antisocial behaviour issues. The NHW coordinator is a Chris Connor who has worked hard to create a local sense of community. All in all 9 residents attended yesterday, however, most of them were from either Roxy Avenue or Flora Gardens. We would like more residents form other roads to attend in particular the residents of Conway Crescent and Fauna Close.
Issues discussed were continuing dog foul problems and attempted burglaries.
Carl Bradley a Redbridge Antisocial Behaviour officer inspired people with his attendance and his knowledge of local issues. Those in attendance confirmed that they were unaware of the services provided by the team but felt better for having them.
The Antisocial behaviour team deal with issues such as:
  • Neighbour disputes
  • Excessive noise
  • Antisocial behaviour

They have specialist recording equipment and a mobile CCTV camera that can be used to collate evidence and resolve local concerns.

During the daytime call 020 8478 3020 and ask for the ASBO Team

After hours call 020 8478 4679

Please use Green Garden waste bags...

What is this! After much work by our Streetscene Team who have invested in durable , reusable green garden waste bags. We still have local residents using the incorrect type of disposal bag. Please do use the Green bags provided as they carry a large amount of waste and the garden waste team cannot collect waste like this. Our waste collection vehicles will only pick up green waste and cannot dispose of such bags. Avoid the embarrassement and inconvenience of having Green waste uncollected by using the correct equipment please.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Why vote Green....?

Guest post by Peter Tatchell

Labour has lost its heart and soul. It has become the party of war, privatisation and the erosion of hard-won civil liberties. The Lib Dems support free market capitalism, use dirty tricks during election campaigns, and when they get into office they always drift to the right. The Conservatives are split between modernisers and the reactionary old guard. Their green-friendly image is contradicted by their anti-green policies of supporting new motorways, aviation expansion and more nuclear power stations – just like Labour.

As I see it, the Green Party is the most progressive force in British politics, with a visionary agenda for democratic reform, social justice, human rights, global equity, environmental protection, peace and internationalism.

With an empowering new political and economic paradigm, the Greens offer the best hope for radical reform, as set out in our Manifesto for a Sustainable Society.

Unlike the far left, the Greens often win. We’ve got elected representatives in local councils all over Britain, and in the London Assembly and the Scottish and European Parliaments. Opinion polls suggest that the Greens are poised to win their first MPs. Caroline Lucas is leading in Brighton Pavilion and the Greens are also polling well in Norwich South and Lewisham Deptford.

The Greens are not just an environmental party. We are also a social justice party, with commitments to industrial democracy, workers cooperatives and trade union rights. Our aim is a democratic economy, which gives all employees a real say in how their institution is run and which utilises their accumulated skill and experience to improve private enterprises and public services.

We want to make society fairer and more equal, and to redistribute wealth and power. This democratisation and socialisation of the economy is necessary, we argue, to improve productivity, prevent a repeat of the reckless decisions that led to the economic meltdown and to reorient production to meet people’s needs. This includes switching from weapons production to the manufacture of renewable energy and advanced medical technologies, which are socially useful and have huge export potential.

The Greens are not retreads of the old Left. Traditional socialism is flawed. It is based on a left-wing version of big business growth-driven economics, with the goal of producing more and consuming more. This uncritical drive to maximise economic expansion is destroying our planet, causing life-threatening pollution, climate chaos and species extinction. It is also dramatically depleting reserves of natural resources, such as oil, that are vital to the global economy and to the long-term maintenance of a decent standard of living. This old-style growth-fixated economics, which is shared by both the left and the right, is outdated and reactionary. It is time for fresh thinking.

The Greens argue that quality of life and fair shares for all are more important than the left’s simplistic agenda of spending more on public services. Greens would, of course, invest more in health and education. But we also believe that government needs to radically rethink basic premises, like shifting the focus in the NHS from curative to preventative medicine. Our aim is to ensure that many fewer people get sick in the first place, rather than merely throwing more money into treating people once they become ill.

The Greens realise that the whole economic system has to change, in order to meet people’s needs and to ensure the survival of life on this planet. We propose a synthesis of the best bits of red and green, combining social justice with sustainable economics.

A good example of how we would do this is our proposed Roosevelt-style Green New Deal. It would stimulate the economy through large-scale government investment in socially and environmentally valuable energy conservation, renewable energy and cheap, hi-tech public transport.
This would slash carbon emissions and tackle climate change, as well as creating hundreds of thousands of green jobs.

We’d fund the Green New Deal by axing Labour and Tory plans to waste £160 billion on Trident nuclear missiles (£76bn), super aircraft carriers (£4bn), Eurofighter aircraft (£20bn), A400 air transporter (£3bn), national identity register (£10bn), the Afghan war (£5bn), motorway building and widening (£30bn) and NHS computerisation (£20bn).

The Green Party rejects the failed neo-liberal economic policies that are backed by the three main parties – policies that recently pushed the world to the brink of a second great depression and which leave billions of people malnourished, illiterate, homeless, diseased and impoverished. But amid the gloom, we say: A different world is possible. The future is bright – bright Green.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

74 Somerville Road -Planning hearing details.

The planning application for 74 Somerville Road has now been scheduled for a hearing on the 8th April 2010. Wilson will be raising our concerns about the application that have already been raised in the on-line petition on this blog. If residents can make it to the meeting and support Wilson's challenge this should add weight to the argument for the application to be rejected.

The fact that a local shopkeeper has purportedly offered to buy the shop, but has been rejected after not excepting an extortionate price, is indication of the dubious intent of the owners of the property and the basis for retention of the Commercial status of the property.

Meeting details:

Date: 8th April 2010
Time: 19:15
Venue: South Planning Regulatory Committee Meeting
Uphall Primary School, Uphall Road, Ilfors, Essex, IG1 2JD

If you would like to speak you must make contact by the working day befire the meeting. You can do so by:

Telephone: 020 8708 2115 and ask for Rubina Kirmani
or email

Please quote planning reference 2907/09

Liberal with the truth - read between the lines!

Please don't be fooled by the recent "Chadwell Focus" article claiming the glory for the recent deferment of the North East London Health Care Proposal. Your incumbent Councillors and Liberal Party members, have been largely missing from the public protests against closure of A&E and Maternity facility at King George Hospital. It is such work that has resulted in the recent visit by the Minister for Health.

The council's health scrutiny panel was only one facet of the challenge to the Secretary of State for Health. Moreover, The delegation to 10 Downing Street Cllr Ralph Scott attended was not organised by Cllr Scott or the Liberal Party and our own Green Candidate Juliet Chowdhry (5 months pregnant) was also a part of the delegation.

To my knowledge, barring Cllr Ralph Scott, no other Liberal Councillor has been seen at any of the protests...? Especially the two arranged by myself, that were well attended by Councillors
and our two MP's also from opposing parties...?

The evidence speaks for itself... if it was the work of the Liberal Party and the associated cronies from within this group. Than why were they not made aware of the visit by the Minister of health?

Not one of them was at the official announcement at King George Hospital on Wednesdy 24th March....? If you read my blog post from the day (Click here) you will see me in a picture with Health Minister Mike O'Brien, at what was a rather exclusive meeting, arranged for those who have honestly been involved - to a significant degree - in the process of bringing about the decision for an independent review!

Green Party Manifesto!

By Now many of you will have realised that I am standing as a Prospective Councillor and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate in the Local and General elections this year. If you would like more info on the "Green Manifesto" please do view the Ilford South Blog by clicking (here).

I have updated residents on a few aspects of the manifesto and in coming weeks there will be a flurry of newer posts. My intention is to highlight the fact the Green Party has a wide range of policies - not just those that focus on the environment.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Looking run down!

Look what I found on the corner of First Avenue and Somerville Road this book in it's dilapidated state is causing a real health and safety concern. The loose cover is inviting thieves to the area, as scrap metal is currently being sold at a premium. Moreover the existing states reduces local morale by making the area feel more run down.
I have reported the damaged box to the Streetscene Team and am sure the matter will be resolved. The conservatives have chosen to provide a list of telephone number for residents to call and report these items, the Liberals choose to provide internet communication details. Only the greens are reporting these matters with any consistency and frequency!

Potholes may become a thing of the past! (temporarily)

Don’t worry, unlike your Liberal Councillors who in their recent "Focus" newsletter, have highlighted, that potholes can be reported on the Redbridge I website (many of us do not have access to internet). We have been reporting items irrespective of receiving a complaint. Moreover, we have been lobbying for better funding. The very severe winter we have just survived has exacerbated the poor condition of our local roads – some of the roads we have reported include:

• Reynolds Avenue
• Brian Road
• Somerville Road
• Havering Road
• Gresham Drive
• High Road
• Second Avenue

Jarrow Road, Chadville Gardens and Bishops Road have also been reported.

Disappointingly the reactive maintenance team have not been able to repair the holes due to a very limited budget. A recent email from the lead officer from the reactive team stated:

“Apologies for the delayed response, but, as you probably are aware, we are completely inundated with numerous reports of potholes right across the borough. We are trawling through these as best we can, and, because of lack of funds, we are currently only able to undertake the most urgent and dangerous repairs. Although Ajay is the officer responsible for Chadwell Ward, he also covers Seven Kings, Newbury, Clementswood, Loxford, Mayfield and Goodmayes Wards. He is currently checking the list of roads referred to below, and will issue works orders for emergency repairs only, anything less serious will have to wait until further funding becomes available.” Received 10th March 2010.

It would seem our lobbying has had some effect as the cabinet has now earmarked a budget of £250,000 to resolve (some of) over 8000 reported potholes. The funds were made available via the Government’s “Local Authority Business Growth Initiative” (LSBGI)

Friday, 26 March 2010

Could Greens gain ground in Redbridge!

From The Press Association, by Chris Mead
Mainstream parties were routed in an astonishing council by-election result just days before Prime Minister Gordon Brown is expected to call a general election.

The Greens' Rachel Eburne captured a Tory seat at Mid Suffolk District, also humiliating the Liberal Democrats and Labour.

She polled 61% of the vote at Haughley and Wetherden with a 33.2% net swing from the Conservatives.

Labour, which had a councillor in the ward until 2003, polled just 32 votes.

The Lib Dems, a close second last time, only managed 51.

Result: Mid Suffolk District - Haughley and Wetherden: Green 444, Cons 176, Lib Dem 51, Lab 32, Ukip 25. (May 2007 - C 354, Lib Dem 309, Green 122).

Green gain from Conservative. Swing 33.2% C to Green.

The result comes a week before another by-election challenge for the Green Party in a Lancaster City Council ward where they shared seats with Labour in 2007.

Green leader Caroline Lucas is seeking a General Election breakthrough for her party.

She is fighting Brighton Pavilion where party city councillor Keith Taylor polled 9,530 - 21.9% - in 2005. Ms Lucas, an MEP, would need a 7.3% swing for victory.

Press Association analysis of the 2007 city council elections in Brighton Pavilion put the Greens in the lead just 221 ahead of the Tories, with Labour trailing more than 1,000 votes further behind in third place.

Another possibility for the party has emerged in recent years in Norwich South where it took first place in last year's Norfolk County Council polls. Labour, the party of sitting MP and former Cabinet minister Charles Clarke, came in fourth.

Analysis of a small sample of four comparable results in March suggest a projected 7% nationwide Tory lead over Labour.

In the case of the Mid Suffolk contest, the comparison is with the 2003 council elections when Labour last fought the ward.

Ms Lucas said: "This is a great result, with a by-election win off the Tories. Once we elect a few Greens in an area, people like what they see and it leads to even more Green councillors. It also shows our commitment to grassroots politics at a time of deep dissatisfaction with mainstream politicians."

Ms Eburne said: "I was a local candidate and involved in my community." She added: "I found a deep disaffection on the doorstep with politics from other parties that were not relevant to everyday concerns - things like our position on better broadband access and our work on
reducing local traffic speeds and litter."

Ms Eburne is a former director of Women's Environmental Network.

The Green Party claims 126 councillors on 43 authorities across England and Wales - including three in Mid Suffolk.
Perhaps with your help we might gain more council seats locally and a Local Green MP. I met Mike Gapes over the weekend and he smirked, whilst telling me that the Green Party would be wasting a £500 deposit for me to run as a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. Sometimes, I think elected politicians forget it is the public that vote them in. More often than not their positions are not as guarnateed as they would like to think.....

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Mike O'Brien visits King George Hospital with good news!

Mike and Wilson!
In the image above you can see Wilson Chowdhry with MP Mike O'Brien - the Minister of State for Health Services. Today MP Mike O'Brien has given the people of Redbridge a temporary reprieve. An announcement was made that the much despised Northeast London Healthcare proposals - that if successful will see an end to A&E facility - are to be considered before an independent review panel!
This news comes just before an election and I cannot help but think, that the decision will not be reached till after the General Election. I have a feeling that the decision has been engineered to benefit certain political parties. However, as contrived as this whole event may seem, we cannot let this subtract from the hope it provides for our community!
This is good news for all those that have joined our campaign and the many others against the Diabolical scheme. It now means that the decision to proceed with the plan will now not be skewered by NHS or Government bias, that is more often than not, based upon cost savings, rather than health and welfare of local people.
This is not an excuse to put down your banners and I would implore all residents to continue the fervent activity, that has resulted in this decision. There a protest organised for the 17th April is still proceeding. The event will start from 13:00 at the green on Little Heath (Chadwell Heath Lane/Barley Lane Junction) Moreover, we still need to convince the Independent Panel to make the right decision!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

World Peace - can it be achieved?

Wilson meets with Pakistan's Christian MP Julius Salik

United in a vision of peace and unity!

Julius Salik a Christian MP from Pakistan, a former Federal Minister for Community Development and once a nominee for a Nobel Peace prize, is in the UK. He is attempting to establish a World Minorities Alliance (a group that when established will provide a voice that safeguards the rights of global minorities). Read more (here).
Julius Salik is well known for his creative protests that have enlightened people on a number of major political issues. Julius Salik is a well known protaganist for change and in particular religious harmony and equality.
He co-ordinated the hoisting of black flags on Christian households when Muslims were attacked in Burma and once wore black robes for 40 days in protest, when Mulsims where attacked in the Phillipines. In doing so he did more for the unity of Pakistan than any man before him.
He also organises a joint Christian and Muslim Ulema Conference meeting when 72 Americans were held hostage in Iran. This subsequently led to the release of the hostages on Christmas Day. Read more (here)
Julius has heard of Wilson's work in trying to alter the difficult conditions of minority faith groups in Pakistan. Impressed with the tenacity Wilson has shown and the committment to resolve a long running problem in Pakistan that many choose to ignore he came to visit Wilson in His offices, whilst staying in the UK. A first for Redbridge and an honour for Wilson who was highly impressed with the Julius's humility, experience and willingness to guide future generations. Wilson has been invited to attend his inaugral UK meeting for the "World Minorities Alliance", on the 11th of April. At this meeting Julius will be detailing his aspirations for the proposed group. We will keep you informed of progress and outcomes from the meeting.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Rajeshri seeking local views!

Rajeshri After today's visit to 10 Downing Street

Many Seven Kings residents will be visited in the next few days, as Rajeshri seeks to collate the most poignant issues in your ward. Already visits have been made to the following roads;

St Albans Road
Lansdown Road
Epsom Road
Manning Road
Galsworthy Avenue
Priestley Gardens

If you would like to arrange a meeting with Raj please call her on 07780 687 534

Issues that have been raised so far include:
  • Litter on and around the High Road
  • Speeding cars
  • Condoms being found on the road
  • Drug dealing behind St Albans Road Mosque
  • Loud music at night
  • A mugging near St Albans Road 3 weeks ago
  • Parking around King George Hospital (since PCT started charging staff)
  • Graffiti on Green Box at corner of Galsworthy Avenue
  • Take aways dominating Seven Kings Highway making the are litter strewn and unaesthetic, whilst reducing the range of other amenities required to enable a community to thrive.
  • One resident asked about works being undertaken at Westwood Recreation Ground in Seven Kings.

To tackle these issues we have informed local police and statutory agencies of your concern and we shall be updating you on our successes.

The Police have been informed of the Crime issues, Streetscene have been informed of litter issues and graffiti, the highways team have been informed of speeding along St Albans Road.

In our recent meeting with the Redbridge Primary Care Trust at Somerville Hall, we convinced Conor Burke of the frustration local people have suffered as a consequence of the decision to charge staff, for parking at King George Hospital. Although not within his remit he has agreed to work with the BHR Trust and to facilitate a Public meeting for residents to direct their concerns to them. We will keep you informed.

With respect to the query about Westwood Recreation ground in Seven Kings we can conform that Redbridge Council secured £1.7m in lottery money via the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). This money is being used to build new play areas in 29 parks throughout Redbridge. Read more by clicking (here)

Save King George Hospital

Coming together concerned residents of Ilford opposed to potential loss of local health services!
Don't mess with King George Hospital!

Rajeshri tries to enter 10 Downing Street!

Wilson knocks and waits for a response!
Success at last our petition is submitted!

All on best behaviour - well he does have a gun!

Yes sir!
Today- Monday 22nd March 2010, was the final day for the consultation period our Local Redbridge Primary Care Trust has set for the diabolical Northeast London Healthcare Proposal. Your Green Party team for Ilford South, arranged a delivery of our petition to 10 Downing Street and this time we took a very diverse Community group, including many of the groups that most need retention of existing services.
Our delegation consisted of:

Naomi Chowdhry- My two year old daughter who narrowly survived a misjudgement by the Queens Maternity staff on New Years Day 2008. She represents our next generation those that will have to face the consequence of loss of A&E facility for longer than we will. Already Childrens A&E has moved to Queens hospital!

Tony Parker- a well known campaigner in Redbridge who is a wheelchair user and represents one of the most vulnerable groups in our community.
Juliet Chowdhry- my wife and Green Party Candidate for Chadwell. Juliet is 5 months pregnant and is concerned about the potential loss of maternity facility at our local hospital.

Reverened George Hargreaves - the Leader of the Christian Party - his wife has recently had 3 brain tumours and a seizure and they were disturbed when recently advised that they would have to travel to Queens Hospital - even though our hospital was 1 minute from their house and his wife was in extreme discomfort!

Rajeshri Chouhan - Green Party candidate for Seven Kings - she will be producing the minutes for our recent KGH public consultation held at Somerville Hall. Her nan is in Hospital after having suffered an acute stroke - as such she is very concerned about extended travel times to hospital -during such conditions.

Paula Watson - Christian Party Prospective Parlimentary Candidate for Rainham

Wilson Chowdhry - Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Ilford South.

The event went well and we have now submitted our petitions. We shall share any response received and hope that our actions today and the input from local people - will have a positive effect on altering a decision that could cost thousands of lives.
The Christian Party and the Green Party by collaborating in this way have shown that parties with different views and agendas, can work together for the good of the community. Let's hope our example will lead others to do the same.

Friday, 19 March 2010

King George Consultation - Just say no!

Who do I pick to speak?
Wilson Chowdhry Green Party, Reverend Hargreaves, Dr Mike Gill (Clinical Director Redbridge PCT), Conor Burke (Managing Director Redbridge PCT), Another colleague (will update details when known) and Rajeshri Chouhan (Green Party)

Reverened Hargreaves (Christian Party Parliamentary Candidate for Barking and Dagenham), describes the impact of Moving A&E and the effects on his family, due to his wife having a serious condition.

Hundreds pack into a small hall.

Running out of seating due to mass attendance

Conor Burke tired after a long grilling!

Fingers pointing as residents vent frustration

Last nights consultation meeting with Redbridge PCT was a resounding success. Over 100 community people came out to have their say regarding the potential termination of A&E and Maternity facility at King George Hospital. Wilson Chowdhry Prospective Parlimentary candidate for Ilford South and Prospective Councillor for Chadwell ward chaired the meeting.
Issues raised included:
  • The potential increase in fatalities that would arise from loss of a local A&E.
  • Smaller size of A&E at Queens that is already crammed
  • Ownership of land at King George Hospital is in PCT hands, the PFI funded hospital at Queen Hospital is leased and concerns were raised about long term issues after lease expires...!
  • Queries over whether the proposal was based on financial reasons.
  • Many queried whether it was a "done deal"
  • Why remove A&E From Redbridge that serves two boroughs, rather than Queens.
  • Poor transport to Queens Hospital
  • Lack of consultation with the Chadwell Community - many had no idea of potential cuts!
  • and much more......

A full set of minutes will be published on a later post.

The outcome of the meeting was that all the public bar one person voted for the retention of services as they are with no cuts.

Our thanks to Isla Martin and Rajeshri Chouhan who distributed invites with Wilson. Isla opened and closed the event hall and Rajeshri also took minutes, which will be published in the next few days.

The Christian Party filmed the event and will be producing a video. This shall be uploaded onto this blog for your perusal soon. Watch this space.....

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Residents of the Wimpey One estate (Sherman Gardens/Bengeo Gardens/Madeline Gardens and Westfield Gardens)

Residents of Wimpey one estate will soon be in for a treat. Natalie Fulk of Taylor Wimpey has confirmed that some time this week, a manual inspection of underground ducting will take place. This should culminate in finding a resolution to the ongoing issue with faulty street lighting, that has prevented the much sought after adoption of your roads, by Redbridge Council.

In an email received by Wilson on Monday 15th March Natalie said:

"There will be a presence on site later this week for some hand digging to try and locate the missing ducting"
We believe an end to the proposed responsibility changeover is in sight and will advise residents of any future developments.

Burned out car was stolen.

I reported a vehicle that had been subject to an arson attack in the triangular communal ground shared by Somerville Road, Third Avenue Road and Brian Road residents. It transpires that the the vehicle was stolen. This resulted in a delay with its removal, as my request to Council could not be fulfilled.

This morning after much activity by the Police and the Local authority, we managed to convince the owner's insurance company to remove the stolen car. Hopefully this will restore safety and peace to the area. In addition to this the local Police have confirmed that the area is under their surveillance as a result of our report.
The rubbish left by a resident in the communal area will be removed by the Streetscene Team using the National Offender Management and Police run "Payback" service. No dates at this stage.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Mike Gaped while the decision was taken away from him!

Thousand's of people lives could have been put at risk but what could only be described as a disappointing blunder. In a recent House of Commons debate our incumbent MP Mike Gapes quite literally goofed by failing to support an opposition motion and a Government motion to put a halt to the ridiculous North East London Healthcare proposals.

How often have we seen MP Mike Gapes at local protests opposing potential cuts to King George Hospital. Yet when an opportunity arose for us to finally put this concern to bed he was found wanting.

Mp Lee Scott will now meet with the Under Secretary for Health and Secretary of State for Health Andy Burnham. What a shame this vital opportunity has been squandered!

Read more (here)

King George Hospital Consultation meeting!

We are very excited by the first and only public consultation meeting with Redbridge PCT, to be held on Thursday. This will be a first for the community of Chadwell, who normally face the ignominy of being forgotten during local decision making. From early indications it would seem like the meeting will be very well attended and we are grateful for the many kind words of thank you form local people.
We have Good news about the meeting on Thursday - it will now be attended by Conor Burke the Managing Director of Redbridge PCT and the Clinical Director. The two of them are leading figures within the PCT and this will be a real opportunity for effective interface to detail local apprehension and frustration with the project. Please do come out as it has been a real effort to arrange the event.

Details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: Thursday 18th March 2010.
Time: 19:30
Location: Somerville Hall
Address: Somerville Road, Chadwell Essex RM6

Public transport:
  • Take an 86 Bus from Ilford Town Centre to Chadwell Heath High Road/ Chadwell Heath lane Junction. From there get the 173 Bus to Somerville Road.

  • Take the 66 Bus From either direction of the A12 (Barking or Gants Hill) and get off at Somerville Road stop.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Very untidy

I have reported the bulky waste found near the property at 24 Inverclyde Gardens and the green telecom box,with grafitti,found at the corner of Donalds Drive to the Redbridge Street Scene Team

Chadwell’s Devil's Triangle!

Many of you have been aware of the fabled Bermuda triangle,otherwise known as Devil's is an area of the Atlantic Ocean,where it was purported,that many surface vessels and aircraft have mysteriously disappeared. Recent Mathematical and scientific data have proven that such incidents are no more likely to occur in the region than anywhere else.......

Most of You have not been aware that we have our own "DEVILS TRIANGLE" I explain further:

Today whilst delivering letters i was approached by a resident of Third Avenue . They have advised me of drug dealing and usage,Arson attacks and general antisocial behaviour,that has been occurring in the communal green area to the rear of their properties.
It seems some "Devils" think they can get away from trouble, in this secluded and hidden area! Moreover thay must believe that their dropped drugs paraphernalia is mysteriously disappearing?!
This area happen to be in the shape of a triangle and is formed in between the properties along Third Avenue,Somerville Road and Brian Road. The shared land was left in covenant,to all the residents surrounding the green.
Only last week a vehicle was torched and the vestiges that remains are creating a real local health and safety threat to resident children and young people. The area is used by them as a communal extension to their gardens or private park.

Moreover, a local resident have found bottles and cans with burn marks and oddly placed holes,burnt foils, and needles located throughout the communal area.He has retained those fro evidential purpose and asked me to arrange for the police to visit him. He has also asked if action can be taken against a resident who has removed bulky waste from his garage and left it in the communal area - causing health and safety and hygiene concerns.

I will be reporting the abandoned vehicle and bulky waste to the street scene team to see if can be removed and enforcement can be taken.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Last Chance Saloon! - Save King George Hospital!

Images of Wilson speaking at the last protest March attended by 170 people.

After much pestering and wholehearted belligerence, we have managed to convince Redbridge Primary Care Trust (the body responsible for our local hospital facilities), to provide an opportunity for face to face communication with the people of Chadwell, Seven Kings and Goodmayes.

The meeting will be held from 19:30 on Thursday 18th March, at Somerville Hall, Somerville Road (opposite First Avenue - A12 end!)

Local Councillors have not really availed themselves of this opportunity and like always, everyone -including your incumbent Councillors, have forgotten that Chadwell is a part of Redbridge. This will be the only consultation exercise held within a ward that borders the hospital?

I am sure that many of you will agree that in previous years, you would not have had this opportunity.

Please come out and encourage others, as it is imperative that we let the PCT know how we feel about their diabolical proposals. If successful the North East London Healthcare proposals could see the end to any A&E in Barking & Dagenham and Redbridge - despite major opposition and rapidly increasing populations. Moreover, the loss of maternity services will create a loss of local identity to many Redbridge children born in Havering, in tandem with an increasing travel, financial and stress burden on potential mothers.

This will be the last consultation meeting regarding the proposal, held by the PCT, before the closure of the consultation period on the 22nd March 2010 – so we are very fortunate.

At 12:00 on the final date of the consultation process, a 6 person delegation to 10 Downing Street, has been selected, to present the petition that we have created on-line and in hard copies (at the numerous King George Hospital protests). This will be addressed to the Secretary of State for Health MP Andy Burnham and the Prime Minister. A copy is also to be presented to the PCT on the same day.

Sign our on line petition:

After this a final protest march is to be held on the 17th April 2010 from the green at Little Heath to Ilford Town Centre, starting at 12:00.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Owwch! I have a sore tooth!

I attended the Local Dental Committee Meeting for Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham and Havering on Monday 8th March 2010.

I attended specifically to discuss the matter of the potential reduction in Urgent Dental treatment. Urgent Dental Care was removed out of the Portfolio of the NHS in 2006 under the NHS healthcare ACT 2006. Since then it has been an optional choice for NHS's to retain such services. At the Meeting Sumesh Sennik of Redbridge PCT conformed that a consultation had taken place with residents, however he was unable to provide data on the number of responses or the outcome of the consultation. I know of no-one in Redbridge that has heard of this consultation...? Please inform me if you were aware of any....?

I have been informed that in future emergency dental care will take place at either Whitechapel or South Hornchurch. These A&E's will continue to provide the service as was previously received. No other A&E will be used. A telephone Triage service is bolstered by a face to face triage service that can be received from South Hornchurch or Whitechapel A&E.

Urgent Care within 24 hours will still go to local practices and urgent care 12 hours will go to A&E's at South Hornchurch and Whitechapel. Home visits by local practitioners will no longer be funded and only 20 dentists will be providing urgent dental care treatment during opening daytime hours (in-hours service). This is a major loss of facility when you imaging in previous years local dentists were funded to provide the service.

Such loss of services will impact on our most vulnerable groups in particular those with lack of mobility who can no longer receive treatment at home. Concerns were raised about the quality of telephone triage services that will be facilitated by dental assistants, rather than qualified dentists. Moreover there seems to be quite a few teething problems with the service.

I cannot confirm how long Emergency and Urgent dental care will be addressed by the above PCT's as the Government has now given them freedom of choice to continue or discontinue the services at a whim..

My only advice is considering the very expensive costs of private dental care, that residents remove sugar and any other enamel-corroding food products, out of their diets. You will also have to pay out the burdensome costs of dental insurance and pray for good fortune fpr your teeth. This is a tongue in cheek comment, however, sooner rather than later, we could find that residents will have the offer of no treatment at all under the NHS for urgent or emergency dental care.

In the meanwhile we will have to suffer the ignominy of travel to Whitechapel or South Hornchurch as our PCT feel this is the best option for us. There again, our children will be born in Romford and and our other Emergency treating will be at Queens in Romford too.

Soon moving to another borough will be our only option, unless we keep campaigning against these huge health service losses!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Redbridge Education must continue to be well funded!

Sorry about the grim picture, I took it myself with great dificulty - the constipated look is actually concentration!

As a new foundation Governor for SS Peter's and Paul's School, Gordon Road, Ilford. I found myself attending a training course put on for new Governors at the Teachers Centre in Ilford this weekend.

Presenters on the day included members of the Council's Finance department, who informed us of how School budgets were raised, spent and evaluated. Whilst also learning a Governors responsibilities with regard to school finances.

The Head Teacher from Seven Kings High School - Ms Tracey Smith, advised us of the important role of Governors and the need to work with School staff as a "critical partner". With her came the Chair of Governors for the School, who informed us of all the responsibilities a governor hold - including the hiring of Head Teachers!

We were taught what type of Curriculum's are taught in Schools and definitions for the various "key stages" (age and learning level classifications).

Finally we we given a presentation from a leading Children Services officer on "Good Governance".

It was a rewarding day and highlighted the special responsibility for safeguarding the learning of younger people that a role as a School Governor entails. However, the training also illustrated how rewarding such a role could be as it provides an opportunity to mould and shape young lives into in a non-direct but essential manner.

As the father of two children and with another child on the way I realised, how exceptionally lucky the people of Redbridge are. Our schools are amongst the top performers in the UK 6th place in overall performance when compared against boroughs holistically.

Such impetus and excellence is something we need to fight to protect and nurture. With this in mind, I have created a petition asking our Council to continue funding the necessary development of Educational Services and provision, despite the current recession. It is essential that we secure a good future for Redbridge posterity by investing in people at a young age, that they, might be equipped, to avoid the ever present pitfalls of a recession or other adversity.

Moreover, there is a distinct need to increase local school provision, to counter the existing shortage of places.

My Petition can be signed by clicking (here)

I have sent this petition to several School Governors as they too expressed similar concern at the meeting.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Heathfield Park Drive NHW a complete success!

A great turnout for an initial Neighbourhood Watch meeting occurred last night. Eleven visitors got involved in a very eventful debate about local issues.


The first concern raised was regarding the increase in burglaries. Wilson provided residents with advice on how to secure UPVC doors properly by lifting the handle anti-clockwise and turning the door key anticlockwise, to set the multi-lock function. Moreover, Wilson advised that two special burglar units, with vehicles, were patrolling the borough, as a result of the recent increase in crimes of this nature. Wilson also advised that due to information provided by NHW Coordinators, a burglar team had recently been caught on Mayesford Road and Grove Road.

One resident highlighted how a van that was undertaking surveillance was stopped and questioned by the Police. The van driver claimed he was lost, however, such activity should be reported to the Police.

Wilson has agreed to attach some burglary advice on the back of a sheet containing the minutes from the meeting. This he will post to all residents of the estate.

Abandoned Bikes:

A resident complained that 3 bikes were left abandoned on his front drive. He surmised that it may have been a result of an opportunist thief, stealing a bike form the local train station, to make their journey easier. Wilson has agreed to make a query to the local Safer Neighbourhood team regarding their thoughts on the matter and any update. Two bikes were scrapped by the homeowners and one was taken from their drive.

Mail abuse:

A number of residents complained about the street litter caused by leaflet canvassers. Wilson enquired into whether any residents would prefer him to stop his leaflets - all were fine for him to continue. Wilson has agreed to provide "No Junk Mail" stickers to all attendees and to source more stickers for wider distribution.


The big topic on the night was how to tackle the parking problems originating from an NHS decision to unauthorise staff parking at King George Hospital. The resulting parking burden, has featured significantly in local media, after creating immense community friction and consternation.

"Yellow Lines", "Parking Permits" and "Pavement Parking" schemes were discussed. However, in the end it was agreed that the best solution would be to introduce a "No Waiting" restriction from 08:00 - 10:00 and 15:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday. This restriction should be introduced to Heathfield Park Drive and all associated roads, to prevent displacement of parking. All the visitors to the meeting agreed to participate in a petition exercise to move the scheme forward.

Wilson agreed to produce and distribute the petition.

Wilson also agreed to ask the PCT and PALS to consider adding a request for patients attending hospital to park more sensibly due to an increase in community friction. This could be added to any appointment documents.
Antisocial Behaviour Issues:
Two residents complained about dogs barking late in the evening causing a nuisance and possibly under some health risk. Some residents complained about a burglar alarm that tripped frequently and seemed to have no cut-off period. Wilson has cascaded the concerns to the antisocial behaviour team for investigation.

Initiating a new NHW:

All agreed that a Neighbourhood Watch for their area would be a very positive step. A Chairman and Deputy have been elected.
Sign a petition to introduce "No waiting" restrictions to the roads on the estate by clicking (here)

Thursday, 4 March 2010

What do you want your MP to Fight For?

The Green Party candidate for the Ilford South Parliamentary constituency is Wilson Chowdhry.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Diabolical roads

Above are some image of the numerous potholes along the High Road (near Chadwell Heath Lane Junction) and Chadville Gardens. Other road areas that have serious issues include the junction of Shepherds Close and Havering Gardens, the area of Brian Road between Second Avenue and Chadwell Heath Lane, Reynolds Avenue and much of Havering Gardens. I have asked the reactive maintenance team to review the safety of these roads, so that they may undertake any necessary repair work.

Monday, 1 March 2010

The end is nigh - will our NHS survive?!

I have heard disturbing news that the urgent dental care provision in Redbridge is due to relocate out of the Borough. Under recent proposals from the Primary Care Trust it would seem that local dentists will no longer be funded to provide out of hours service, visits to homes (for elderly and vulnerable patients) or emergency visits to our hospitals.

If the Primary Care Trust are successful, Redbridge patients will have to travel ignominiously to Whitechapel to receive a service in what our PCT term a specialist centre. Strangely enough, it is not a quality issue that has resulted in this change - yet the Redbridge PCT still believe they are "rationalising" our service provision.
I have been invited to the next Redbridge & Waltham Forest - Barking and Havering Local Dental Committee meeting on the 8th of March. In attendance will be representatives from the 4 Local PCT's. I will voice my objections to the new proposals and state my preference the more favourable status quo.
We may be fighting "tooth and nail" for the retention of any NHS services if their attritional reductions continue! Our existing government and the NHS fat cats have got people's needs and desires all wrong and we must keep galvanising our community against the destruction of our nation and it's history of protecting it's people.

It would be great to obtain resident views on this diabolical proposal...?